Programmatic Advertising Sales

What Makes the World Go Around? Or How to Think About Cold-Calling

What, indeed, makes the world go around? The immutable forces of physics would be one answer. In our more prosaic world, and something I know more about, it’s the creative and destructive forces of the economy. Every day the sun comes up, it’s a new day of opportunity. New products […]

Brand Safety and Digital Marketing Success: Auditing Needed

The time has come for the legitimate digital press and advertisers who want to maximize their ROI on advertising to organize the 21st century’s digital version of the Alliance for Audited Media.

What Is An Ideal PMP?

When it comes to publisher ad-sales strategy for programmatic, the objective is to realize the greatest portion of the “value” of an impression that it can. For programmatic ad-buyers their goal is to pay the lowest price they can for a higher “value” impression. Lets keep in mind that if the impression isn’t worth more than an advertiser pays, they wouldn’t buy it.

What The Best Sales People Think

The top sales professionals ranked the effectiveness of five sales strategies. The top-ranked strategies were “Getting customers to emotionally connect with you” followed by “Tailoring your sales pitch to the customer’s needs” and then “Asking questions that show your expertise.” The two lowest ranked strategies were “Showing the value of your solution” and “Driving the topics of conversation.”

When is Data Sexy?

Data is sexy when it drives profits. Publishers can profit most by bringing their own data to the point of sale. Sales people can learn to develop custom data sets for advertisers that adds value to the publisher’s impressions, driving greater advertiser loyalty and revenue.