Automated Advertising and Publishing Economics
Publishers can fight back and regain lost programmatic advertising revenue. But success is not automatic. If you are bewildered by the jargon has the solution for you…
Publishers can fight back and regain lost programmatic advertising revenue. But success is not automatic. If you are bewildered by the jargon has the solution for you…
The solution of preventing advertising fraud by creating an approved list for advertisers to limit their advertising to will only solve 1/2 of the problem. Advertising on known sites is a start. But the traffic to those known sites must be verified to be real. This is where auditing comes in.
Many senior managers, without experience in sales, try to increase sales by setting deadlines and adding bonuses that hurt sales and hurt business. According to Ken Krogue, writing in the Harvard Business Review, “It is a vicious cycle. And companies know it. Yet they continue the practice, month after month and year after year, perhaps unaware of how much it’s really costing them.”
Email is 1) the strongest consumer connection on the internet short of a paid relationship, and 2) a fantastic way to deliver content and advertising, and 3) by far a bigger opportunity for publishers than social media because everyone has email…it’s required to register for social media.
The time has come for the legitimate digital press and advertisers who want to maximize their ROI on advertising to organize the 21st century’s digital version of the Alliance for Audited Media.
As we should know from many other industries, when there is a lot of money available, very creative scams will be hatched. Recently Advertising Age ran this article explaining how more sophisticated scammers have developed technology that avoids bot blockers by appearing to be a human scrolling and interacting with a web page.
“One of the biggest problems of publishers and advertising sales staffs today is falling behind the customer.” Leading advertisers are moving as fast as they can to keep up with the changing information habits of their customers. But most publishers are more focused on selling what they have, the way it’s been sold in the past, than thinking about how to sell new services or sell advertising in new ways. So publishers and advertising sales executives are falling behind the perceived needs of their customers, the advertisers.
High quality content, and more and more of it, is your social media strategy. People share content, and comment on content via social media. No content, no sharing. Build your content first. Readers will share on their social media of choice. When Facebook declines they’ll share it on the next platform, be it Snapchat or Instagram or one we haven’t heard of yet.
Too often media companies feel pressed to ad in free pages or free digital impressions when that is really not different from lowering the price. Media companies would be far more successful with breaking those ties, assuming they have their media priced appropriately, by offering research.
Since traffic driven by postings to Facebook and Twitter tend to be one-and-done, why not capture the greatest revenue you can at the point of entry?